As marketers and business owners, it can feel like a constant struggle to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology, marketing tactics, and trends.

But while the rest of the world declared email marketing a tactic of the past, many of us saw the value in showing up in people’s inboxes and sharing valuable content with our already-engaged audiences.

Fast forward to 2022 and email marketing has made one hell of a comeback, sitting comfortably at the top of many marketers’ lists of most effective investments of time, energy, and money.

What makes email marketing so great?

If you’ve been on the fence about email marketing and its usefulness when it comes to your own business, you might want to consider these stats from HubSpot:

  • Marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue

  • 78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months

  • 4 out of 5 marketers said they’d rather give up social media than email marketing

Yes, you read that right. Most marketers agree that they’d rather ditch social media efforts entirely before bowing out of their email marketing initiatives.

But what about email marketing is so effective? You might want to consider the fact that there are at least 4 billion email users worldwide, and that number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025 (Statista). But if that isn’t enough to convince you…

  • Email marketing tends to be one of the more affordable marketing tactics available, which is great for businesses who experienced budget cuts or prioritize savings

  • Across all industries, the average email open rate is 19.8%, the click-through rate is 11.3%, and the bounce rate is 9.4% (Constant Contact)

  • Brands that always include an A/B test in their emails generate an ROI of 48:1 (Litmus, 2019)

  • More than 8 out of 10 people will open a welcome email, generating 4x as many opens and 10x as many clicks as other email types (GetResponse, 2020)

  • Nearly 22% of all email campaigns are opened within the first hour of sending (GetResponse, 2020)

If you weren’t already convinced that email marketing is the way to go, I have a feeling that you’ve moved closer towards the bandwagon of marketers who are so amped to be utilizing this ultra-powerful tactic in 2022 and beyond.

And if that’s the case, it’s time to move towards becoming an email marketing pro by harnessing the power of segmented campaigns across your email marketing efforts.

What are segmented campaigns?

Segmented email campaigns are a hyper-efficient way to make your target audience(s) feel seen, heard, and understood. There’s a reason marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue (Campaign Monitor, 2019). Actually, there’s a long list of reasons.

But before we dive into the reasons that segmented campaigns perform so well, let’s take a step back to chat about what makes them unique.

Segmented campaigns are email campaigns that are crafted and tailored with specific audiences in mind. Your target audience is broad, but by dividing your email subscribers into smaller segments based on unique criteria and differences, you can group them into micro-audiences.

In doing this, you make it easier to adjust the way you talk to these audiences, increasing your chances of resonating with them and convincing them to spend their money with you.

Examples of segmentation criteria

There are a number of ways you can choose to segment your email list before creating uniquely tailored campaigns for each one. Here are some of the most common:

Where they are in their customer journey

Subscribers who have only just been introduced to your brand are likely not quite ready to buy yet. They’re feeling you out and should be approached as such. But subscribers who have already purchased or recently added items to their cart are more likely to purchase, and can be spoken to differently than less-familiar audiences.

their response to previous email campaigns

Many marketers rely on click-through statistics and metrics to inform their segmented campaigns. Nowadays, most email marketing tools will allow you to create varying messages and emails depending on whether or not someone clicks a certain link, neglects to open a previous email, etc. This is often called a “workflow” or “funnel” and can be an extremely efficient way to respond to subscribers quickly when they interact with other emails.

Relevant Demographic Differences

Depending on which demographic categories your subscribers fall into, they may need to be approached differently. Examples of demographics worthy of segmented campaigns include:

  • Location

  • Age

  • Interests

  • Career/Industry

  • Gender Identity

If your audience spans the entire country, for example, you might not want to send email campaigns about snowy weather and the need for winter coats to your subscribers who live in regions that don’t experience traditional winter weather.

Mastering segmented campaigns

The segments listed above aren’t the only opportunities to segment your email marketing campaigns. In fact, the possibilities are practically endless when it comes to creating personalized content for various audiences.

But before diving into segmented campaigns for your own business, consider the work required to do so. While segmented campaigns is the most ideal approach to email marketing, it requires comprehensive planning and a significant investment of time and energy. This isn’t meant to discourage you, but motivate you to carve out some time on the calendar to prepare for a pretty exciting undertaking.

Segmented Campaigns without killer copy will fall flat

The whole point of segmented email campaigns is that it’s an opportunity to speak directly to an audience and use language that really resonates. This allows your subscribers to feel totally understood, and increases the likelihood that they’ll trust you with their money.

BUT, if your email copy is lackluster and doesn’t do a great job of gently encouraging them in engaging ways, segmented campaigns might not prove to be as effective as you might hope.

Investing in high quality copy across your email campaigns is one of the best ways to ensure that your target audience feels inspired and engaged when they see your name show up in their inbox.

Ready to make an investment in your email marketing strategy?

Get in touch and let’s chat about a comprehensive, high quality approach to your email copy to get you tangible, impressive results!


