If your marketing strategy isn’t backed up by at least a little bit of data, you’re likely missing out on the maximum potential of your marketing initiatives. And we don’t want that! 🤔
Resources like the North American Camping Report are FULL of valuable insights and data that you can use to enhance your marketing efforts and truly connect with adventurous audiences.
And this data isn’t just useful for campground owners & RV parks. Whether your brand sells outdoor equipment & gear, offers an app for outdoorsy communities, or sells a service that makes it easier for people to get outside, insights like these can be instrumental to your marketing success as a business.
Use These Insights to Market Effectively
Let’s say your business offers a boutique camping experience targeting Millennials (ages 25 - 40) looking for a unique place to relax, unwind, or explore…
Check out this data and take note of some audience insights
This data clearly shows that this target audience (millennials) is made up of two main groups: camping newbies & lifelong campers.
So how can you use this information to inform your marketing strategy?
Consider creating two campaigns that specifically target these groups using relevant content
Create blog posts and social content that resonates with each group: camping newbies need packing lists and lifelong campers need info on the latest gear & tech
Use language (copy) that connects with each of these groups while positioning you as approachable
Leverage Instagram Stories to conduct polls among your own following to get to know them and their camping experience
Highlight stories from campers in each category to showcase your ability to appeal to both groups
Was this helpful? Leveraging real data like the juicy insights found in sources like the North American Camping Report can help you create a foolproof content strategy and even clue you in on details you might have otherwise missed.